Saturday, October 31, 2009

First day of Blogging

Hello everyone!
It is nice of u to stop by my humble blog!
I am starting this blog on 2:08 AM

If a blogger, blogs how do we know if there is someone out there reading if you don't post your comments.... :D

We blog for our sanity, therapy and to get feedback and help from our friends, loved ones and anyone in an "ear-shot", but how do we get people to respond....I have plenty to talk about and want to say as I am not able to find out a right person with whom I can share all. I think the kindness - no I am counting the kindness of you kind should to get me through the dark times, and the fun times.

Had a rough couple years with my dear friend, and life happening all around me while I stood there being numb, or trying to be, but it was really a hard time to get through...and heck sometime I feel I’m still getting through it. How can we get through a time like that? I mean I got through it, but am more than still visibly shaken.

The future is wide open and I hope good time is just waiting for me. And I am waiting to, for you my blog viewers. Let's play catch up...and talk and get to know one another. Share the good the bad and the ugly, so that we can help each other.

Throws out a topic for conversation and let’s see where we end up.

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